
We have created a variety of resources for Professionals to learn about children’s rights. These have been made with the Members of Children’s Parliament from both Clackmannanshire and East Lothian and include a video game and films, as well as learning modules and handy tips.

Myth Busters

How much do you know about children’s human rights? Challenge yourself to see if you can spot the myths! 

Practical Tips

 The children have developed practical tips on what adults can do to make rights real in their professional practice.  


The Game

This online game will help you to explore how adults’ interactions with children will have an impact on their human dignity. The scenarios and the scripts in this game are developed by members of Children’s Parliament based on their personal experiences and their peer research.

The game can only be played on a laptop or computer.

Scripts, illustrations and music all made by:

Jasmine, Theo, Lewis, Jacob, Niamh, Chloe and Abbie in East Lothian.

Harry, Michael, Waldah, Katie-Leigh and Alfie in Clackmannanshire.

Programming by:

Niall Tessier-Lavigne


Sandy's Story

Workshop Delivery Guide

This resource is an activity designed to introduce children’s rights. It can be used to help children and adults explore together how human rights are experienced in everyday life.



Wee Red

A shadow puppet show introduction to the UNCRC. 2031 in a deep dark forest in Scotland…

What (not) to do

The Clackmannanshire MCPs created this film as a humorous way of reminding us all about what they don’t want adults to do when they’re working with children.