Teacher Job Description

Concentrating on adults who work in schools, we talked about how we know that an adult is doing their best for children. From these discussions, we imagined what an ideal adult in school would be like and used modelling clay to make them before bringing all our ideas together as a ‘job description’ for adults in school. In the middle of our session we managed to […]

First Impressions

When the East Lothian investigators from both schools got together for the first time, we made marks in clay with things we had foraged from nature and thought about the importance of first impressions when we interview adults. Then we all brainstormed a list of questions for professionals and came up with a list of ways we would like adults to treat us.   We did mock interviews with “professional” puppets and discussed how childhood […]

Exploring How Adults Make Us Feel

We made abstract acrylic paint pours to explore how adults make us feel. We discussed how colours affect our emotions and what we need from adults to feel happy, healthy and safe.  Safe by Niamh The Dinosaur of Dignity by Theo Respect by Chloe Happy by Jacob Kindness by Jasmine Healthy by Lewis